Little Chippy is a heartwarming, true story about adapting to new places and making new friends. From the hustle and bustle of the big city to the peaceful countryside, Chippy goes on an exciting, life-changing adventure!

Lauren Douglas has had dogs all of her life with her family currently having 9! Little Chippy is a true story about Chippy living with her while she lived in upstate New York and then moving to New York City. He eventually became part of her parent’s pack of dogs on Long Island by the Bay; where Chippy now happily and swimmingly resides. Having Grown up in a true melting pot, Lauren felt Chippy’s adventures paralleled her life and she felt it was important to spread the message of adapting to change whether it be a new home or new friends. In her free time, Lauren loves to read, dabble in arts & crafts, and to pester her 2 younger brothers. Most importantly, Lauren loves to play and cuddle with all her dogs!